Die on the Road
I never got around to connecting the new Propane bottle I picked up earlier in the day, so while it was still light the approaching layby was a good opportuninty to do it. For some reason the connection didnt seem tight enough and I was concerned it might leak. Sharing the layby with me was a car & caravan, with a dog tethered by a very long lead. I called out and a guy appeared at the caravan door. He apologised for not being able to help and explained he hadnt had his caravan long and didnt even have a gas bottle. However as it was cold he'd resolved to get one soon to keep warm at night. We got talking and I asked him where he had been touring.
"Scotland, the North East and now Wales - I hate Wales"
I have Welsh ancestry so didnt linger on it, instead I asked another question
"Where are you off next?"
"Back to Scotland, I love the place and the people." he paused then continued
" I have terminal cancer so Im doing this while I still can. I intend to keep travelling until I simply can't drive anymore, Id be happy to die on the road as this has always been my dream"
Jesus. If this isnt a message to convince me Im doing the right thing I dont know what is.
I wished him a good trip.
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